About ECAR

The Eastern Connecticut Association of REALTORS ® (ECAR) provides services to over 1,000 of our REALTOR and Affiliate members and other real estate related interests. In providing these services, we accomplish certain objectives, such as: 191

Promoting and maintaining high standards of conduct in the real estate profession as expressed in the Code of Ethics of the National Association of REALTORS ®.

Uniting those engaged in the recognized branches of the real estate profession for the purpose of exerting a beneficial influence upon the profession and related interests.

To further the interests of home and other real property ownership.

To provide a unified medium for real estate owners and those engaged in the real estate profession whereby their interests may be safeguarded and advanced.

We have jurisdictional responsibility for REALTORS ® in approximately the eastern third of the state. Our members have tasked us with providing certain information to the public. The purpose in providing this information is to allow a prospective buyer and seller to be better prepared in accomplishing their task. We welcome your comments on how to make this site more useful to you.

Get more tips and valuable information by reading our blogs at ECARVoice!

Home Buying & Selling Process Videos

The Field Guide to the Benefits of Home Ownership

Houselogic – A National Association of REALTORS® web site to help you improve and maintain your home

Partnership for Strong Communities Housing Data Profiles

2016 ECAR Board of Directors

Quincy Clayton
Quincy ClaytonPresident & State Director
Susy Hurlbert
Susy HurlbertChief Executive Officer
Marilyn Lushe
Marilyn LushePresident Elect & State Director
Ryan Lajoie
Ryan LajoieSecretary & State Director
Mathew Lisee
Mathew LiseeTreasurer & State Director
Merry Cassabria
Merry CassabriaImmediate Past President
Carol Christiansen
Carol ChristiansenDirector
Linda Davis
Linda DavisDirector & State Director
David Izzo
David IzzoDirector
Norm Krayem
Norm KrayemDirector
Gregory Hanner
Gregory HannerDirector
Daniel Kildea
Daniel KildeaDirector
Mary Poola
Mary PoolaDirector
William Reardon
William ReardonDirector
Thomas Sheldon
Thomas SheldonDirector
Donna Sormanti-Saglio
Donna Sormanti-SaglioDirector & State Director
Leslie Timmons
Leslie TimmonsDirector
Paula Turley
Paula TurleyDirector