• Monday – Friday: 8:30 AM – 5 PM


103, 2017

Uneven Economic Recovery Has Real Estate Implications

Stagnant economic conditions for middle-class America continue to put some real estate markets on uneven ground. NAR’s chief economist Lawrence Yun, who presented his latest economic outlook at the 2017 REALTOR® Broker Summit in San Diego, said lifetime wealth is ...

709, 2016

Legal Update – New Fair Housing Disclosure Form Available

The new Fair Housing Disclosure form pursuant to Public Act 16-16 is now in effect and available on the Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities (CHRO) site and may be accessed here. The statement of purpose of the Bill that ...

1508, 2016

Preparedness Planning for Your Business

Businesses can do much to prepare for the impact of the many hazards they face in today’s world including natural hazards like floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and widespread serious illness such as the H1N1 flu virus pandemic. Human-caused hazards include ...

1306, 2016

Looking to Rent? Five Questions to Ask to Avoid a Scam

FAST FACT: First and last month’s rent, plus deposit, is a significant chunk of cash. Scammers know it, and have mastered the art of stealing it. It’s tough enough to find an affordable rental in today’s tight market, so when ...

1904, 2016

Fair Housing Act: Criminal History-Based Practices and Policies

Almost a third of Americans have a criminal record. In many cases the reason for the record is a minor infraction that occurred decades ago. Minorities are disproportionately represented among those with a record. To help providers develop housing policies ...

3011, 2015

Don’t Miss These Home Tax Deductions

From mortgage interest to property tax deductions, here are the tax tips you need to get a jump on your returns. Read more at http://www.houselogic.com/home-advice/tax-deductions/home-tax-deductions/#ixzz3sXPpxjyV

603, 2015

Are drones in the future for real estate marketing?

Real estate agents across the country have been waiting for the Federal Aviation Administration to release guidelines permitting the use of drones for commercial purposes, such as marketing real estate. Last month, the FAA released its proposed rules, which would ...

902, 2015

A Homeowner’s Guide To Taxes

Tax season can be a real pain in the wallet, but if you're a homeowner, tax deductions can lessen the blow. Get what you need to know to get all the tax benefits of homeownership. NAR’s Houselogic site includes a ...

1201, 2015

FHA Lowers Pricing to Reflect Less Risk

The FHA announced important changes to the pricing of its mortgage insurance on January 8, 2015. This change will help to shore up the long-term solvency of its mortgage insurance fund, improve affordability and sustainability for most borrowers, and price ...

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