You’ll have access to a wide array of services and discounts as a REALTOR® member of the Eastern Connecticut Association of REALTORS®. Here’s a few…
are the foundation of the organization. With a streamlined structure, your involvement will be “time-defined.” Less of your time – more reward! There are 11 reasons that you will benefit from joining a committee.
We listen to you! The annual membership survey, Designated REALTOR®/Manager meetings, office visits by the President and CEO, and a suggestion box on the web site are a few of the methods that we use to get your thoughts and ideas about your needs. The Board of Directors and staff are committed to helping you improve your bottom line.
Community involvement
With local charitable and affordable housing organizations. We Give Back & Then Some!
The future of training is NOW! Many education opportunities are offered including continuing education courses, motivational speakers, specific issues of timely concern, such as financing, agency, environmental issues, and many others. Learn new skills, increase your profit potential, and minimize risk. New members can take the free ECAR Agent Success Training program, a 3 day course that provides them with the sales techniques to ensure their success.
A full library of easy to use forms that are only available to ECAR members!
Newsletters: 12 editions of the monthly ECAR REALTOR® News. An easy way to keep abreast of the latest sales techniques, ethics, market trends, legal and legislative issues, and ECAR news and social events. You’ll also get timely You also receive ECAR Update and Broker Tour emails that provide you with timely, useful information about what’s happening in the industry and at ECAR.
Your business interests are represented through communication with local, state and national elected officials, and by monitoring legislative and regulatory issues.
Sensitive to time and distance, ECAR is conveniently located just off Rte. 2 in North Franklin. Plenty of free parking!
Member Benefits Program
Take advantage of a variety of discounts on products and services offered though the ECAR Member Benefits Program. as well as through CAR and NAR benefit programs. One particularly noteworthy portion of the program is our partnership with Vendorboon which provides you with discounts from a growing list of vendors ranging from computers to office supplies. Over 30 discounted products and services are offered through the program. You can easily save the cost of your dues by taking advantage of these discounts.
Positive PR Image
We distribute news releases, arrange media interviews, and spearhead community service programs as part of the public affairs efforts to present a positive image of REALTORS® to the public.
Professional Standards
is at the center of REALTOR® philosophy. The Code of Ethics is vigorously enforced by impartial committee members who strive to maintain the high standard of conduct all members have pledged to uphold by virtue of the Code.
Referral Network
Profit from networking and referral opportunities by attending membership meetings, education seminars, committee meetings, social events – and more.
Sentrilock and Supra Lockbox Service Center
ECAR is the only Association in CT to offer the NAR endorsed Sentrilock smart lockbox system. And through a cooperative agreement, our members may also participate in the Supra lockbox system.
A well-trained, professional, friendly staff is here to assist you. Guided by a member-designed Strategic Plan, ECAR is pledged to serve and support its Members by being the primary provider of valuable services in a cost effective and timely manner.
The ECAR Real Estate School
Your convenient, affordable and authoritative source for pre-licensing, continuing education, commercial, appraisal courses, and more.
Web Site
We’re proud of www.easternctrealtors.com! There are over 500 pages that contain a wealth of information for home buyers and sellers including the ability to search the MLS database. The members-only side provides you with easy access to free, fillable and savable forms, a meeting and events calendar, links to municipal websites, and much, much more.
Contact Cheryl Springer, Member Services Director, at 860-892-2595 today for a membership application form and the currents fees or to discuss these services further.