*Updated January 17, 2023

For a detailed map of Sprague, click here.

Year Established: 1861
Population: 2,950
Utilities: Eversource
Frontier Communications
Water-Village of Baltic
Sewer-parts of the villages of Baltic, Hanover and Versailles
Government: Selectmen-Town Meeting-Board of Finance
Land Area: 13.8 square miles
Schools: https://saylesschool.org/
Churches: https://www.ctsprague.org/community.htm
Recreation: https://www.ctsprague.org/group.htm?id=cmwijac5
Links: http://www.ctsprague.org
Assessor’s Phone Number: (860) 822-3000 Ext 222
Assessor’s Email: [email protected]
Valuation Method: Assessment
Percent Assessment: 70%
Mill Rate: 36.25