REALTORS® from all over eastern Connecticut met on December 5 to install newly elected officers and directors for 2013. The Spa at Norwich Inn in Norwich hosted REALTORS® and friends as 2013 President Paul Higgins of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage took the oath of office.
ECAR member Robert Kimball, 2012 President of the Connecticut Association of REALTORS® was the installing officer. Robert Kennedy, Executive Vice President of the Connecticut Association of REALTORS® was the Master of Ceremonies.
In her outgoing remarks, 2012 President Cathy Duprey said “Despite the hardships, our Realtors stepped up to many challenges and showed true dedication to our industry, our clients and our colleagues. I am so proud to be a part of this profession. In my travels and involvement with CAR and NAR, I have been amazed at the numbers of involved Realtors that continue to fight for the rights of homeowners and the dream of homeownership.”
In his incoming remarks 2013 President Paul Higgins said “Being a REALTOR means more than selling real estate. It means being a part of a community, both of the professionals we work with, and the people we serve. REALTORS® provide unparalleled local market knowledge; we are skilled negotiators, and transaction troubleshooters. It is our responsibility to provide our clients with the best possible service, and to work on their behalf to insure that the goal of homeownership remains within reach of the average American. We need to stay engaged, and encourage our colleagues to become involved. We need to continually pursue additional education and certifications, learn the latest technologies, and increase our professionalism. Take advantage of the resources that ECAR provides you – ECAR is Your Access to Success.”
Videos of the event

Paul Higgins’ incoming remarks

Cathy Duprey’s outgoing remarks