Becoming an Affiliate Member demonstrates your commitment to the real estate industry, and well-known reach of ECAR’s 1,300 members.
Who can be an Affiliate Member?
You are eligible for Affiliate membership if you conduct business in a field related to real estate, do not hold an active real estate license, and are in sympathy with the objectives of the Association. Affiliate dues are $225 annually for a primary Affiliate membership. Colleagues from the same office location may join as Associate Affiliates for only $95 per member/year!
What are the benefits to Affiliate Membership?
An Affiliate Membership not only enhances your business image, but allows you to take advantage of the following benefits:
1. Market Your Business

2. Network with ECAR Members
3. Save Money, Know What’s Happening

4. Additional Member Benefits Provided by the Connecticut Association of REALTORS®
5. Sponsorship Opportunities

2025 Dues
Affiliate member dues are $225.00. If your business is statewide, you can join both ECAR and the CT Association of Realtors for $380.00 per year, prorated monthly. Call Cheryl Springer, Member Services Manager, at 860-892-2595 or email her for the current dues amount or if you have any questions regarding the benefits of membership.
Complete the Affiliate membership application and join today. You’ll be glad you did!