• Monday – Friday: 8:30 AM – 5 PM


2511, 2024

Buyer-broker agreement may limit how brokers compete, DOJ warns

Ahead of a final Nov. 26 approval hearing on NAR’s proposed class-action settlement, DOJ lawyers narrowed in on a provision requiring written agreements between buyers and agents before tours by Taylor Anderson November 25, 2024 Whether it’s refining your business ...

1311, 2020

NAR Passes Sweeping Professional Standards Committee Recommendations

NAR Does Not Tolerate Hate - Approved by NAR Board of Directors on November 13, 2020 NAR’s Board of Directors today strengthened REALTORS®’ commitment to upholding fair housing ideals, approving a series of recommendations from NAR’s Professional Standards Committee that extend ...

1011, 2020

What a Joe Biden presidency means for real estate and housing

From Biden's campaign, here's how we can expect his administration to respond to today's most crucial housing issues BY LILLIAN DICKERSON | Staff Writer After days of suspenseful vote-counting, Joe Biden has been declared the 46th President of the United States. Biden and his ...

706, 2019

Feds warn of 1,100% rise in real estate phishing scams

In 2017, scammers intercepted $1B in transactions BY JIM DALRYMPLE The downpayment on a house is the largest single sum of money many people spend in their lifetimes, and now the feds have a stark warning for would-be homebuyers: Watch yourself, ...

403, 2019

Here’s what NAR wants in the next versions of Fannie and Freddie

The advocacy group hopes things like the 30-year mortgage and affordable credit stick around for the foreseeable future BYJIM DALRYMPLE II The largest real estate trade and lobbying group in the U.S., the National Association of Realtors (NAR), believes Fannie Mae ...

2812, 2018

How the government shutdown is impacting homebuyers

Realtors and loan originators offer advice on navigating the shutdown BYPATRICK KEARNS A partial shutdown of the U.S. government has entered its sixth day as both Democrats, Republicans and President Donald Trump dig in their heels over partial funding for ...

1809, 2018

9 tips for filing insurance claims after a catastrophe

The damage has been done — now it's time to make the rebuilding process as painless as possible  (By BERNICE ROSS) Whether it’s a hurricane like Florence, a tropical storm like Lane or a flood, tornado, earthquake or fire, it can ...

1408, 2018

Permitting slowdown has cost the US 6.3M new homes

The country still hasn't recovered from the shock of the 2008 financial crisis BY PATRICK KEARNS Single-family home construction in the U.S. has never really recovered from the 2008 market crash. In fact, ever since that year, permits for new single-family homes have been ...

1312, 2017

Fed hikes rates in sign of economic confidence

The incremental hike marks the third such hike in 2017 and sets the stage for what will likely be three or four adjustments in 2018  BY JOTHAM SEDERSTRO Sticking to a script that economists and real estate analysts had long anticipated, ...

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