Directions from the North
- Take CT-2 E via Exit 55 toward Norwich / New London.
- Take the CT-32 N exit, EXIT 27, toward Yantic.
- Turn left onto West Town Street for 0.4 miles.
Turn left onto Connecticut Avenue.
35 Connecticut Avenue is 0.4 on the right.
Directions from the South
- Take I-395 N / Governor John Davis Lodge Turnpike.
- Take exit 14 toward Yantic/Norwichtown
- Turn left onto W. Town Street
Turn right onto Connecticut Avenue
35 Connecticut Avenue is 0.4 miles on the right.
Directions from Hartford
- Take I-395 S toward Norwich.
- Take Exit 14 (Old exit 82) toward CT-2 W / Hartford / CT-32 N / Colchester.
- Turn right onto W Town St.
Turn right on Connecticut Ave.
35 Connecticut Ave. is .4 miles on the right.
Directions from Providence
- Take I-95 S toward New York
- Take the CT-32 exit, Exit 84S-N-E, toward Downtown New London / Norwich.
- Merge onto CT-32 N via Exit 84N toward Norwich.
- Turn slight right onto Montville Conn.
- Merge onto I-395 N / Governor John Davis Lodge Turnpike.
- Take exit 14 toward Yantic/Norwichtown
- Turn left onto W. Town Street
Turn right onto Connecticut Avenue
35 Connecticut Avenue is 0.4 miles on the right.