Recently, an Office Manager shared with me a story about one of his agents that exemplifies the spirit of Eastern Connecticut and the Realtors who work here.  With permission, we’d like to share it with our friends and colleagues.

Just recently I sent our agent Donna Navarro (Danielson office) a note congratulating her on a very difficult transaction that just closed. Here is her comment about the transaction ~ Lucien LaLiberty

“This lady was losing her home, she had no job, no car, no place to move to – because she didn’t have any income. She listed her property with me.

I brought her to all her doctor appointments, grocery shopping, finally she had an interview in Worcester for a job.  I brought her for a new hair style the morning of the interview and to the interview itself that afternoon. She walked away with a great job that day.

Her new boss picked her up and drove her home from work for the past month (remember, she had no car). We closed on her house on Friday. On Saturday I brought her to Cargill Chevrolet in Putnam and she drove out with a nifty used car. Yesterday I landed her a nice apartment in Danielson, she moves in next Wednesday.  LIFE IS GOOD FOR DEBRA!!”


 Isn’t it great that we have agents like this and employers

that will transport someone back and forth to their job

– until they can get back on their feet.

#Ownsweetown #thepowerofECARtogether #ECARgivesbackandthensome

