Quincy Clayton of RE/MAX on the Bay in Niantic, is entering his 15th year as a REALTOR® and as a member of ECAR this year. Currently, Quincy is the president of the Eastern Connecticut Association of REALTORS®, a member of the Connecticut Association of REALTORS® (CTR) Board of Directors and Vice-Chair of the CTR Member Communications Committee. In addition to serving the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) as a voting delegate on their Board of Directors, he also serves NAR as the 2016 Vice-Chair of the Local Leadership Idea Exchange Council for Medium Boards.

Quincy has pioneered ECAR’s Young Professional Network (YPN) as well as the Real Estate BarCamp – CT which is an “unconference”. Most recently, Quincy was honored as the Eastern Connecticut Association of REALTORS® 2016 REALTOR® of the Year.

Quincy is known in this area as one of the cutting edge real estate professionals as he was videoing homes long before video was a popular way of marketing a home. Today, Quincy is looked up to as one of the area experts when it comes to using video in real estate. When asked why video is so important, Quincy’s response was, “the photo is pretty but it can only take the buyer’s emotional connection so far. It is not until you move them with inspiration through video that you truly capture their attention to make the call”.

Although Quincy loves real estate, he also enjoys spending time tickling the ivory. He has been playing the piano, keyboards and the organ for over 30 years and has recently been afforded the opportunity to play the keys for the NAR Realtors Rock Band in Chicago as well as Washington DC over the last year. When there is a rare quiet time away from real estate and music, Quincy cherishes moments with is 8 year old daughter and his wife of 19 years and occasionally watches reruns of his favorite sit-com, F●R●I●E●N●D●S.


June 17, 2016 Featured [ECAR Team] Member
