Who’s running for office in Eastern Connecticut?
Do you know who is running for First Selectman or Mayor in your city or town? ECAR compiled the list below to invite the candidates and sitting chief elected officials to our Legislative Breakfast on September 11. As of the date of this post, those listed in bold have already replied that they will attend.
Each candidate that attends will be asked to address one of the following issues:
– Improving the land development and permitting process
– Job creation in your town
– Property taxes and incentives for development
– Creating workforce housing in your town
We do this because we want to know whether the candidates are supportive of real estate issues such as the protection of your private property rights and the home buying and selling process. We will be posting videos of the candidate’s comments after the event. A new post on ECARVoice will give you links to the videos.
You should also be aware that we also conduct a Legislative Breakfast in even numbered years for candidates for State Senate and State Representative.
Office City/Town
First Selectman Michael Zambo Ashford
First Selectman William Ballinger Bozrah
First Selectman Austin Tanner Brooklyn
First Selectman Richard Ives Brooklyn
First Selectman Brian Sear Canterbury
First Selectman Robert Veach Canterbury
First Selectman Paul Formica East Lyme
First Selectman Arthur Brodeur Eastford
First Selectman Richard Matters Franklin
First Selectman Philip Anthony Griswold
First Selectman Kevin Skulczyck Griswold
First Selectman Edmund Burke Griswold
* Mayor Marian Galbraith Groton
* Mayor Heather Bond Summers Groton
* Town Council Chairman Dennis Alemian Killingly
* Mayor John Rodolico Ledyard
First Selectman Judith Jencks Lisbon
First Selectman Thomas Sparkman Lisbon
* Mayor Ron McDaniel Montville
* Mayor Daryl Finizio New London
First Selectman Nicholas Mullane North Stonington
First Selectman Robert Testa North Stonington
Mayor Peter Nystrom Norwich
Mayor Charles Jaskiewicz Norwich
Mayor Deborah Hinchey Norwich
First Selectman Paul Sweet Plainfield
First Selectman Peter Mann Pomfret
First Selectman Maureen Nicholson Pomfret
First Selectman Robert Congdon Preston
First Selectman Vincent Eleazer Preston
Mayor Norman “Barney” Seney Putnam
Mayor Anthony “Tony” Falzarano Putnam
First Selectman Kevin Lyden Salem
First Selectman Catherine Osten Sprague
First Selectman Edward Meadows Sprague
* First Selectman Russell Gray Sterling
First Selectman Dale Clark Sterling
First Selectman Ulric Deojay Sterling
First Selectman Glee McAnanly Stonington
First Selectman Edward Haberek Stonington
First Selectman Kenneth Beausoleil Thompson
First Selectman Paul Lenky Thompson
First Selectman Robert Sirpanski Voluntown
* First Selectman Daniel Steward Waterford
First Selectman Allan Walker Woodstock
* does not need to run for reelection in November, term expires at a later date
ECAR – protecting private property rights and the home buying and selling process at the local, State and Federal levels.