Do you know who your elected officials are?
Do you know how to contact them about issues (especially real estate issues) that you are concerned about?
Homeownership is under attack at the Federal and state level. At the Federal level, there are proposed changes to the mortgage interest deduction (See the Mortgage Interest Deduction post in the Federal category). At the state level there are bills to impose a buyer’s conveyance tax and to require energy scoring of homes (See the Protecting Your Private Property Rights post in the State category). These are just a few of the issues. We’ll be keeping you informed. Use the information provided below to join us in your protecting private property rights by expressing your views to the appropriate elected officials.
The elected officials page on our web site can be linked to from the Learn page or accessed directly at It contains links to all elected officials from the President of the United States down to local officials.
If you know who your state Senator and Representative is go to It contains links to their web sites. Contact information for eastern Connecticut Senators and Representatives can be found at the bottom of the document.
Not sure who your state Senator and Representative is? Look up Senators, Representatives and Congressmen up using your address by clicking on the Find your Connecticut State Senator or Representative link or do directly there at
Also, we haven’t forgotten the local elected and appointed officials. Click on the Get Eastern CT Local Officials Contact Information which takes you to